Our vision
Take the insight about fertility into your own hands
Innovation in gynecologic self-care is necessary for a changing healthcare industry.
Gynecological care should be more attuned to women's needs and desires to promote prevention
and lower the barrier to seeking medical advice. -
Women should not have to wait up to a year before they can see their doctor if they have problems getting pregnant spontaneously.
We are continuously developing Elleloom further. This allows us to help you better and better in all your questions around fertility.

Why Elleloom was developed
A group of doctors in the Netherlands developed an innovative speculum, the Femiscope® - based on women's anatomy. They identified two challenges in gynecological examinations. First, they discovered that healthcare professionals can have difficulty getting optimal visualization of the cervix. Second, they noted that many women undergoing these examinations are reluctant and experience fear of the traditional vaginal speculum. A woman usually has to undergo a gynecological examination at least once, but often several times in her lifetime. These examinations needed to be more pleasant and effective.

However, there was a lack of innovation in this area.
As a general practitioner, Dr. Bernhard Klaassen ran into this problem almost daily and took the initiative to turn the traditional vaginal speculum into a new, innovative and woman-friendlyspeculum that he called: Femiscope®.Many years of research and testing with other doctors went into the development of the Femiscope®. The Femiscope® is smaller and can be used by women without the help of a medical expert. Also, it is made of plastic, which feels warmer than metal.
The development of the Femiscope® was the beginning of Elleloom. A camera and app were added to the Femiscope®, allowing women to examine their cervix themselves. This allows women to better understand their natural cycle and body. This provides important information about the most fertile days within a woman's cycle.

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